Monday, January 21, 2013

Why all the sunsets?

If you are wondering why I am so intrigued with the sunsets here in Mexico; this photo, that I took last night, is an example of a typical sunset and ocean view back home in the Seattle area and for the last 30 or so years this is what I saw with some exceptions of course. Now for the last five or six months the typical sunset is what you see on my photo website and this shot is the rare exception. To me it’s a no brainer… 
This morning we are having a taste of Seattle here in Ixtapa; a heavy overcast gray cloudy drizzly morning, the temperature in on the cooler side too. A non-sweat morning is nice and it does remind me of home.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Golfing the Extreme Sport here in Ixtapa

Now I know that you don’t usually think of golf as being an extreme sport, but you have perhaps never golf at the Ixtapa Fontatur Campo de Golf Course. They have some surprises over and above the normal sand traps, water hazards, rough and the typical out of bound areas. This tour was arranged for me by my friend, Guillermo Ordaz, who is in charge of the golf course, RV and Camp Grounds and the Marina here in Ixtapa.

My personal tour was given by the #4 caddy; Audel Gonzalez, he knows where all the traps, more than 300 species of birds that visit, iguanas and the alligators, that’s right alligators are throughout this golf course. He has been working here for the last 13 years. He made an excellent guide through the 18 whole beautiful golf course. 

One event was as I stepped out of the golf cart to get what would have been a great shot of one really big crocodile; I didn’t see the little one, only about 3 feet long, that was just lying in the grass a long side the cart, I almost stepped on him. He suddenly scurried off back into the water, I screamed and that sent the big one, that I wanted so much to get a picture of, into the water as well. A very heart pounding experience to say the least. So I missed them both, but I did not get eaten, so I think I came out ahead in the long run. Too bad about that missed shot, I hope for better luck next time. 

Please enjoy the photographs I took during my tour, it was just so you can enjoy this tour with me

Please feel free to give a comment; I look forward to reading them.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo Guerrero Mexico

These two are geographically close resorts on the Guerrero Mexican Pacific Coast but they are entirely different types of places in character.

Ixtapa (eeks-TAH-pa) was built in the 70’s by the Fonatur; the Mexican government tourism development agency and was established very much with the tourist in mind. It has two beautiful golf courses, major hotels, private condo developments, Marina, restaurants from the very elegant to the fast food even Domino’s Pizza that gets delivered to the beach, at least three banks and a dollar exchanger, information and time share booths, fine silver jewelry, boutiques, to the plastic souvenir shops dot the main street through town and a small supermarket that is really a liquor store that sell a few extras like some fruit and items for personal needs. 
The streets are well maintained two lanes with very good signage for getting around. Good taxi and bus service too. Mostly the people you see walking the streets are tourist not the Mexican families that you will find in most cities and towns. It is very tourist friendly but lacking in the Mexican charm that most people come here for. You can find everything you need here but personality. 

I do find Ixtapa to be to touristy and high priced for me, but it does work well for most tourists. Lots of souvenirs shops, water sports, banana boat and parasailing, snorkeling, surf shop with lessons and rental and with a very nice marina. It seems to be a little sterile; after all I came to Mexico for the Mexican flair that Ixtapa lacks. 

I still favor the beach style restaurants that I have about a mile away from my RV Camping Park on Playa Linda where I’m staying at. 

Zihuatanejo (see-wah-tah-NEH-ho) is a Mexican fishing village at heart and has been around from as far back as 3000BC. With the development of its neighbor it has benefited with employment, paved streets, a few big box stores and several banks. But all in all has maintained its Mexican charm with the streets lined with its small family run shops, hand crafted souvenir shops, fish sold on the beach as the fisherman come in with that days catch. Mexican families live and work here. Usually you find that the family that has a shop here; lives over it, in this way adding to its charm and family connection. 

In fact the real name Cihuatlan means “place of women” referencing the matriarchal society, in which weaving was the main occupation. The mispronouncing of the name has led to the current spelling much in the same way that today’s Seattle has evolved.  
I prefer Zihuatanejo to Ixtapa do to its charm and down to earth connection with the locals. But the fact that these two resorts are so close to each other that gives the tourist the best of both worlds. 

I recommend these places be put on your “places to visit list” and be sure to pack you swimsuits and sunblock.


Now I know that I have taken and showed you all many, many photos of my sunsets or sunrises over the last six months. When I think that it is enough and don’t get the camera out or am not planning on taking any more till I’m in a new location then this happens…


I never get tired of watching them; they are always something special…

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Pineapple Special

Take a fresh pineapple and cut it into spears
Place them into a glass or cup 
Squeeze fresh kiwi lime on the top and add some salt
For that extra kick add a dash of chili pepper power over the top (I have started using it in place of salt and pepper in my regular cooking).

As an extra bonus you can add a splash of rum but not too much or we will have to call this “Piña Loco


For those of you that have never bought a fresh pineapple here are some photos to guide you through the first time cut up one.



I would also like to suggest using the chile power on your french fries or jojo’s, you can still use catsup for you die hard catsup users.  

Try the chile power on your salad or avocado with a squeeze of line in place of your favorite salad dressing. It will be better for your waistline too.