Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cooking Tips

As I sit here on the beach in Ixtapa, under the shade of a coconut tree and listen to the sounds of the waves, watching the sun dancing across the water; I have been thinking it is time to get you cough up on some more cooking tips that I have learned over the last few months. 

Chicken feet make the best chicken broth. Use your crock-pot put in your feet (the chickens not yours that is) add water and crock it for a day or more, remove the feet, add your favorite spices, onion,  garlic, bell pepper, chilies, est. save it in the refrigerator then soup it up as you see fit.

Use coconut oil in place of your butter when you make garlic bread. It gives great flavor and it is better for you too. I chop up a lot of garlic, place it in a jar add coconut oil and refrigerate until I want to add garlic to something. I also add red onion to my garlic and coconut oil mixture, try some extra spices too. All will work out well and stores for a long time due to the coconut oil. Enjoy!

Coconut oil is better than olive oil when cooking and frying, you might try using it when you make up your favorite salad dressing too. Let me know what you think and add your results. 

You can use coconut oil in your hair as a conditioner; it works great.

I have been drinking hibiscus tea lately, it is very popular here. As a bonus you can use it as a fabric dye or add it to your paint to turn it red. So many things you can do with this beautiful flower.

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