Friday, April 19, 2013

Returning to Mexico

Well the time has come for me to leave the Seattle area and return to Mexico so I can continue my travels throughout southern Mexico and all points south.
The trip home was excellent, seeing my sons, grand kids, friends and ex-coworkers were fantastic. I over indulged in some of my favorite foods, that I was not able to enjoy as I traveled through northern Mexico to name a few like artichokes, Vietnamese sandwiches and teriyaki from Ichi Teriyaki at 148th and 99 in Lynnwood. I knew that I would gain some of the weight back that I had lost; I did, 10 pounds. So when I get back to my Mexican routine I know that I will start losing it again. Thank God! I do not know what is in the food served in the states, but wanting to overeat must be built-right-in to every bite.
I was glad to get my computer fixed; again! Now it is working better than ever, thanks to PC Recycle in Lynnwood and my son. I was also able to restore files that I thought were forever lost. Let’s hope I do not have any more troubles with it. I’m looking forward to smooth operations from this day forward.
Now that, my laptop working properly and having access to a stable Wi-Fi I took advantage of my time back home to update and change my website please take some time to look it over and give me your opinion. The link to my blog from my website homepage is easier to use, please enjoy the stories behind the photos.

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