Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Manatee of the Peruvian Amazon

Iquitos Foundation, Amazon Rescue Center; a result of the united effort among institutions such as “The Dallas World Aquarium Zoo”, “Gobierno Regional de Loreto”, “Instituto de Investigaeiones de la Amazonia Peruana” (Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon) and the “Acobia- DWAzoo”.

Their intent is to rescue, recover and release aquatic endangered mammals and wildlife, supported by an environmental education program, contributing to the conservation of these species and their ecosystems.

The Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is an endangered species in Peru due to factors like illegal hunting and habitat degradation, but in spite of the international and national laws to protect them the problem continues because many amazon villagers still eat the manatee meat.

In 2007 before the rescue project started Acobia-DWAzoo registered 15 calves dead in captivity; to mitigate this problem at the end of that year the rescue program got started, successfully managing the rescue and recovering of more than 25 specimens of manatees so far.

In 2011, an agreement with “PERENCO” company was signed and the manatee training center was built, a place where the environment Education Project was developed. Through games children learn about flora, fauna, resource management native communities and self-esteem, making memorable experiences with natural. 

They have developed successful Amazonian manatee releases to their natural habitats which are being tracked by radio transmission.  

This information was supplied by the Iquitos Foundation, Amazon Rescue Center.

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